Throughout history, physical limitations guide how information is organized. Now, the digital world is allowing us to completely reorganize the way information is stored.
“Information is easy. Space, time and atoms are hard.”
“Human physical abilities are limited, so the amount of information provided to us is constrained by our ability to see,”
Real world connection:
When they talked about “sales assistants” instead of “associates” reminds me of saying delayed success instead of failure-it’s really the same thing but calling it something else makes people feel better. Also it reminded me of walking through a grocery store trying to find things like spaghetti sauce-is it by the pasta, the cheese or canned tomatoes?
Chapter 1:
Main point:
This chapter was about how data is organized in the digital world. It discussed how things are changing now that there’s so much more stuff-digital pictures, digital music, etc. The chapter talked about how we are going to have to change because methods of organization have changed so much.
“You browse when you intentionally ignore the organizational structure the store has carefully imposed on its stock,”
“To get as good at browsing as we are at finding…we have to get rid of the idea that there’s a best way of organizing the world.”
Real world connection:
When they talked about information being bits that hit you like a ton of bricks that reminds me of the first time you go into something like iTunes or Wikipedia or Netflix and there’s just so much stuff you don’t even know where to begin.
Chapter 2:
Main Point:
This chapter talked about the alphabet and how it is organized as well as the idea of a universal alphabet. It also talked about how definitions of things like planets and what was powerful in the world-cosmos and then god-have changed and how their places have changed.
“Precisely because alphabetical order is unnatural and arbitrary, it took a long time to be accepted.”
“Even though the harmony of the spheres and the Great Chain have fallen out of favor, we still believe there is an order to nature waiting to be discovered,”
Real world connection:
While they were talking about huge encyclopedias, I thought of how much easier it is now to look things up on online encyclopedias rather than the ones in books where you might have to check two or three entries if not more to find what you’re looking for.
Your summaries here are well done. Do try to work on the real world connections to make them a bit more relevant to the main point of the reading. I realize my vague "real world connection" prompt doesn't specifically say to do this, but I think you'll be better served by finding connections to some of the key points of the chapter instead of small tangential points. It'll also be great if you can take it a bit further into the "so what" which we'll talk about a bit this week.