Monday, February 1, 2010

Blog #3

Chapter 8:
Main Point:
While tags help organize information online, no matter what these facts say you will never know the whole story behind the picture/video/wikipedia article etc.  He says that these things may seem like they're saying nothing, but these tags are just as important as the warning on a blowdryer telling you not to use it while you're asleep.

So What?
Weinberger discusses how in the third order we externalize meaning, not just identifying features and facts.  He's saying that as the world becomes more miscellaneous and as Web 2.0 expands the problem of not really knowing anything beyond what something is based on its tags is being fixed.  As a DTC major, I should care about this because Weinberger is saying that our field is imperative to preserving the meaning behind things cited online.

Chapter 9:
Main Point:  I feel like the main point in Ch. 9 is pretty much the same as the whole book.  Weinberger explains how having infinitely more information available to the public is changing the world, in this particular chapter he discusses how on the web messiness goes to a whole new level that make the way we "know" things completely different.

So What?  This matters to DTC majors because many of us will be working with/designing things like websites where it's very important to keep the things Weinberger discusses in mind.  We thing from our cultural viewpoint, but others might not and the internet is international and not specific to American culture.


  1. I agree with the statement in which you said on chapter that, "web messiness goes to a whole new level that make the way we 'know' things completely different." The reason why i agree with this statement is because with the web being an overload and mess of information it allows us to really see different ways people perceive things. It allows us to get insights on things we would never thought were possible or feasible. Also, when things are being tagged, it allows us as users of the web to help define different things based on the fact that people tag so many things in their own way and perspective.

  2. Very true. Our feild, along with nearly everyone else' must be sure to pay attention to whether facts are true and credible. I also agree with you that with working in feilds related to DTC we will need to know these organizational issues. We will just need to keep in mind that everyone uses information differently.

  3. I agree w/ your commenters...thinking of different users and how they might access the same pile of messy info in different ways is really important. It's important to think about how any businesses web presence can provide as much info/product to as many people as is possible.
